MIMO FRF Modal Testing up to 16 channels (includes EMA-03 SIMO FRF Modal Testing) Test Process for Multiple Shaker excitation, acquiring multiple columns of FRF signals (FRF Matrix)._1375361
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MIMO FRF Modal Testing up to 16 channels (includes EMA-03 SIMO FRF Modal Testing) Test Process for Multiple Shaker excitation, acquiring multiple columns of FRF signals (FRF Matrix).


EDM Modal MIMO FRF Testing includes a dedicated test 
setup and operation process flow using multiple simultaneous 
shakers. Using a large channel count data acquisition system 
(i.e., Spider- 80X or Spider-80Xi), it provides much higher 
efficiency and accuracy for the FRF measurements.
When using multiple shaker random excitation applications, 
the shaker-driving source signals are guaranteed to be 
uncorrelated with one another.


Multiple shaker excitation is useful to separate and identify 
repeated or highly coupled modes. With more than one reference, multiple columns of the FRF signals can be 
measured simultaneously. Combined with the poly reference 
curve fitting algorithm, the modal participation factor helps to 
isolate the repeated and highly coupled modes. 
The modal analysis process is seamlessly integrated with the 
MIMO FRF testing.

■ Includes all features of SIMO FRF test, plus, 
■ One or multiple excitation (reference) 

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